Who we are

AVD supports your early system definition & exploration phase. We have implemented a best practice forecasting system aimed to effectively support both, your conceptual design team and corporate team. A unique data-base and knowledge-base system organizes, utilizes and retains relevant data, information and knowledge from the rich past to the simulated future. The traditional conceptual design capability has been complemented with the simulation of the more complete product life-cycle whilst taking the domains market, economic, social, political, and environmental in addition to technological into account. Such competency compliments your systems-architect’s task of identifying the correct solution-space in the total multi-disciplinary context. The AVD solution reduces overall risk by using industry endorsed scalable solutions to increase the efficiency of the decision-maker’s long-term system-defining obligation.

The only lab in the world focusing on multidisciplinary, multi-fidelity, configuration-generic synthesis of aerospace vehicles.

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